主要業績 |
- 相澤真一・伊佐夏実・内田良・徳永智子 (2023)『これからの教育社会学』有斐閣.
- Tokunaga, T., Dinesh, J. R., Watanabe, S., Shah, A. (2022) Co-researching with Immigrant Youth in Tokyo during COVID-19: Possibilities of Virtual Youth Participatory Action Research. NEOS, 14(1), pp20-24.
- Tokunaga, T., Machado Da Silva, I. & Fu, M. (2022) Participatory Action Research with Immigrant Youth in Tokyo: Possibilities and Challenges of Ibasho Creation Project. Annals of Anthropological Practice, 46 (1), pp40-51.
- Sosnowski, J., Tokunaga, T. & Evans, S. (2022) Participatory Action Research in Education: Benefits and Tensions Across Contexts. Annals of Anthropological Practice, 46 (1), pp19-25.
- 徳永智子 (2021)「アメリカのNPOによる中国系移民生徒の教育支援―ストレングス・アプローチから」恒吉僚子・額賀美紗子編『新グローバル時代に挑む日本の教育 ―多文化社会を考える比較教育学の視座』東京大学出版会, pp113-128.
- 徳永智子・住野満稲子 (2021)「はざまにある生と教育:アメリカにおける移民女性の語りから」『教育学年報』12号, 世織書房, pp157-177.
- Tokunaga, T. (2021) Co-creating Ibasho at a Part-Time High School in Tokyo: Affirming the Lives of Immigrant Students through Extracurricular Activities. Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, 15, pp27-39.
- 徳永智子 (2021)「『わたし』との協働的な『日本』の再想像/創造の試み ―越境する女性たちをめぐるマルチサイテッド・エスノグラフィー ―」『異文化間教育』53号, pp52-74.
- McGuire, J. M. & Tokunaga, T. (2020) Co-constructing Belonging: ‘Voluntary Separation’ in Deaf and Immigrant Education in Japan. Japanese Studies, 40(3), pp291-311.
- Douthirt-Cohen, B. & Tokunaga, T. (2020) “Is He Allowed to Have a Crush on You?”: Interrupting Adultism in Fieldwork with Youth. Ethnography and Education, 15(2), pp207-221.
- Tokunaga, T. (2018) Learning to Belong in the World: An Ethnography of Asian American Girls. Singapore: Springer
- Yonezawa, A., Kitamura Y., Yamamoto, B. & Tokunaga, Y. (Eds) (2018) Japanese Education in a Global Age:Sociological Reflections and Future Directions. Singapore: Springer
- Tokunaga, T. (2016) ‘We Dominate the Basement!’: How Asian American Girls Construct a Borderland Community. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 29(9), pp1086-1099.
- 徳永智子(2014)「国境を超える想像上の『ホーム』:アジア系アメリカ人の女子生徒によるメディア/ポピュラーカルチャーの消費に着目して」『異文化間教育』40号, pp70-84.
- Tokunaga, T. (2011) ‘I’m Not Going to Be in Japan Forever’: How Filipina Immigrant Youth in Japan Construct the Meaning of Home. Ethnography and Education, 6(2), pp179-193.