Greetings from the Dean of Institute of Human Sciences

NORO Fumiyuki, Dean of Institute of Human Sciences

The Institute of Human Sciences at the University of Tsukuba is a research organization of faculty members specializing in education, psychology, and disability sciences. The history of the University of Tsukuba can be traced back to the Normal School, the first and oldest teacher training institution in the country established directly by the Japanese government in 1872. Since then with expansion in size and changes in name, such as the Tokyo Higher Normal School, Tokyo University of Literature and Science, and Tokyo University of Education, the University of Tsukuba was founded in 1973 as a comprehensive research university. The University has been engaging in the most advanced research fields by incorporating studies reflecting the demands of each era while utilizing the 150 years of tradition that began with the Normal School. The University of Tsukuba is truly an advanced research organization with a multilayered combination of tradition and innovation. The Institute of Human Sciences is subdivided into three academic divisions: education, psychology, and disability science. However, while making use of the unique characteristics of each academic division, the Institute of Human Sciences is also engaged in research that transcends academic subdivisions. Research in the humanities is a fusion of the liberal arts and sciences, and has a high potential for promoting new research. The research our outcomes contribute not only to one research field but also to a wide range of research fields, and are disseminated not only to Japan but also to the world. Furthermore, the results of our research contribute to society, including government, schools, and businesses. We are determined to continue to be a research organization that leads Japan and the world in our specialized research fields, opens up the prospect of a sustainable and bright society, and promotes research that contributes to the well-being of people.