主要業績 |
- 川上直秋 (2020). 指先が変える単語の意味 ースマートフォン使用と単語の感情価の関係ー 心理学研究, 91, 23-33.
- Kawakami, N. & Yoshida, F. (2019). Subliminal versus supraliminal mere exposure effects: Comparing explicit and implicit attitudes. Psychology of Consciousness, 6, 279-291.
- Kawakami, N. & Miura, E. (2019). Tracking hand movements captures the response dynamics of the evaluative priming effect. Cognition and Emotion, 33, 452-465.
- Kawakami, N., Miura, E., & Nagai, M. (2018). When you become a superman: Subliminal exposure to death-related stimuli enhances men’s physical force. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:221. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00221.
- 川上直秋・永井聖剛 (2018). 見慣れた文字だと納得しやすい ー筆跡の反復接触による説得効果の促進ー 心理学研究, 88, 546-555.
- Kawakami, N. & Miura, E. (2017). Can magic deception be detected at an unconscious level? Perception, 46, 698-708.
- Kawakami, N. & Yoshida, F. (2015). Perceiving a story outside of conscious awareness: When we infer narrative attributes from subliminal sequential stimuli. Consciousness and Cognition, 33, 53-66.