礒田 正美 いそだ まさみ Isoda Masami

職名 教授
メールアドレス isoda#@#criced.tsukuba.ac.jp (#@#を@に)
HPアドレス http://www.criced.tsukuba.ac.jp/en/index.html
学位 博士(教育学)
領域 教育学
専門分野 数学教育学
学群担当 人間学群教育学類
大学院(主担当) 教育学(前期・後期)


  • Masami Isoda (2019). The road of the German Book Praktishe Analysis into Japanese Secondary School Mathematics Textbook (1943-1944): An Influence of the Felix Klein Movement on the Far East. In Weigand, H. G., McCallum, W., Menghini, M., Neubrand, M., and Schubring, G. edited, The Legacy of Felix Klein, Switzerland: Springer. 117-129.
  • Klaus Rasmussen, Masami Isoda (2019). The intangible task – a revelatory case of teaching mathematical thinking in Japanese elementary schools. Research in Mathematics Education (RRME), 21(1).43-59.
  • Masami Isoda, Somchai Chitmun, Orlando Gonzalez (2018). Japanese and Thai Senior High School Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge of Variability. Statistics Education Research Journal, 17(2). 196-215.
  • Masami Isoda, Shigeo Katagiri (2016). Pensamiento matemático: cómo desarrollarlo en la sala de clases, 2a ed. Santigago: Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación, Universidad de Chile.
  • Masami Isoda (2015). Dialectic on the Problem Solving Approach: Illustrating Hermeneutics as the Ground Theory for Lesson Study in Mathematics Education. In Sung Je Cho edited,Selected Regular Lectures from the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Swaziland: Springer. 355-381.
  • 礒田正美 (2015). 算数・数学教育における数学的活動による学習過程の構成:数学化原理と表現世界、微分積分への数量関係・関数領域の指導.  東京:共立出版.
  • Maitree Inprasitha, Masami Isoda, Patsy Wang-Iverson, Ban-Har Yeap edited. (2014). Lesson Study: Challenges in Mathematics Education. Singapore: World Scientific.
  • Masami Isoda, Shigeo Katagiri (2012). Mathematical Thinking: How to develop it in the Classroom. Singapore: World Scientific.
  • 礒田正美, Maria G. Bartolini Bussi 編 (2009). 曲線の事典:性質・歴史・作図法. 東京: 共立出版
  • Masami Isoda( 2010). Concrete models and dynamic instruments as early technology tools in classrooms at the dawn of ICMI: from Felix Klein to present applications in mathematics classrooms in different parts of the world.  ZDM International Journal on Mathematics Education, 42(1). 19-31.
  • Abraham Arcavi, Masami Isoda (2007). Learning to Listen: from historical sources to classroom practice. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 66(2). 111-129.
  • Masami Isoda, Max Stephens, Yutaka Ohara, Takeshi Miyakawa (2007). Japanese Lesson Study in Mathematics: Its Impact, Diversity and Potential for Educational Improvement. Singapore: World Scientific.



APEC 21か国人材養成部門プロジェクト代表者(2006-)

