FURUTA, Yuichi

Title Assistant Professor
Email furuta.yuichi.gp#@#u.tsukuba.ac.jp  (please replace #@# with @)
URL https://researchmap.jp/yuichifuruta/?lang=en
Degree Ph.D. (Education)
Division Education
Research Field Educational Policy, Citizenship Education
Undergraduate Program School of Human Sciences, College of Education
Graduate School Program (Main) Education (Master’s Program)
Graduate School Program (Sub)
Research Themes

Comparative research on civic/citizenship education reform
Theoretical and empirical research on school reform based on student voice/participation
Research on Contemporary Educational Reform in the United States

Publications/Major Achievements

Book [Japanese]

  • Furuta, Y. (2021) Civic Education Reform in Impoverished Neighborhoods in Contemporary America: Creating Linkages between Classroom, School and Community. Tokyo: Toshindo.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles [Japanese]

  • Furuta, Y. (2021) “The Significance and Challenge of ‘Student Voice’ in Educational Administration: Based on the Investigation of Recent International Trends”, The Journal of Japanese Association for the Study of Educational Administration, No.63, pp.19-34.
  • Furuta, Y. (2020) “An Initiative for Evaluation and Improvement Support for School-wide Civic Education in the United States: A Case Study of Illinois Democracy Schools”, Bulletin of School Administration, Vol.45, pp.43-56.
  • Furuta, Y. (2016) “The Policy Background of Youth Civic Development Gap in Contemporary America: Through an Analysis of Related Policies by States and Federal Government from 1990s”, Bulletin of School Administration, Vol.41, pp.60-81.
  • Furuta, Y. (2016) “Citizenship Education that Fosters Efficacy for Social Change: A Case of Public Achievement in America”, The Journal of Civic Education, No.23, pp.53-67.
  • Furuta, Y. (2015) “Significance and Possibility of School-Based Citizenship Education in Poor Neighborhoods in America: Through a Case Study of ‘Public Achievement’”, Journal of Japanese Association for the Study of Educational Administration, No.57, pp.110-124.



Scientific Membership

Japanese Educational Research Association
Japanese Association for the Study of Educational Administration
Japan Academic Society for Educational Policy
Japan Educational Administration Society
Japanese Association for Civic Education
Japanese Association for the Social Studies
Japanese Educational Research Association for the Social Studies
Japan Association for the Study of Learning Society
Japan Society for Senior High School Education
Japan Association of American Education Studies

Social and Outreach Activity
Related Links

https://trios.tsukuba.ac.jp/en/researcher/0000004642 (Univ. of Tsukuba Researchers Information)