FUJIMOTO, Takahiro

Title Assistant Professor
Email Fujimoto.takahiro.fw#@#u.tsukuba.ac.jp (please replace #@# with @)
URL http://takahirofujimoto.jp
Degree Doctor of Philosophy, Waseda University
Division Disability Sciences
Research Field The Study of Social Welfare, Sociology, Sociology of Education, School Social Work
Undergraduate Program School of Human Sciences, College of Disability Sciences
Graduate School Program (Main) Rehabilitation Science (Master's Program)
Graduate School Program (Sub)
Research Themes

School social work from a sociological perspective

  • Support style of school social workers
  • The school social worker’s professional growth through labor migration, etc.
Publications/Major Achievements
  • Takahiro Fujimoto, 2024, Trends in Certified Social Workers and Mental Health Social Workers Choosing to be School Social Worker: Cross-Sectional Analysis of Attributes and Values Using the Survey of Employment Status, Kanto journal of social welfare, Vol.24 pp.31-44.
  • Takahiro Fujimoto, 2023, The Process of Establishment of Welfare Support in High Schools: Focusing on the Collaboration between Teachers and School Social Workers Assigned to Schools, Kyoiku Shien Kyodogaku Kenkyu, Vol.5, pp.24-32.
  • Takahiro Fujimoto, 2022, Policy Development of School Social Worker Project -Consequences of Policy Re-contextualization in Budget Compilation, Japanese Journal of School Social Work, Vol.17, pp.49-62.
Scientific Membership

The Japan Society of Educational Sociology
Japanese Society for the Study of School Social Work
Japanese Educational Research Association
Japanese Society for the Study of Social Welfare
Japanese Society for the Study of Social Work
Japan Welfare Sociology Association
Japanese Association of TEA for Qualitative Inquiry

Social and Outreach Activity

Director, NPO Restorative Dialogue Forum
Various training programs for elementary, junior high, and high school teachers and staff (human rights training, training for educational consultation coordinators, training for school administrative staff), etc.

Related Links

The University of Tsukuba Education Bureau of Laboratory Schools: The Bureau is in charge of supervising and coordinating the 11 affiliated schools of the University of Tsukuba.

Takahiro Fujimoto’s Laboratory at the University of Tsukuba: In addition to information on my research and teaching, this site provides information on school social workers and useful tips for early career researchers.


https://trios.tsukuba.ac.jp/en/researcher/0000004915 (Univ. of Tsukuba Researchers Information)