【日 時】2019年7月3日(水)15:30~17:00
【場 所】2B208
【テーマ】Language Ideologies, Language Advocacy, and Bilingual Education
【講 師】Christian Faltis, Ph.D.(オハイオ州立大学 教授)
【概 要】
Recent work on language ideologies and language advocacy for racialized groups in U.S. has uncovered new ways of understanding the complexities of implementing strong bilingual programs for immigrant and national communities. This presentation examines language ideologies and their role in language advocacy for bilingualism and bilingual education for different language groups. Emphasis will be placed on language ideologies on Standard language and Perfect language that are socially constructed and used for various frameworks of language advocacy. Language ideologies work hand in hand with the ways society and especially schools frame language advocacy, and consequently which and how languages are taught in schools, as well as who has access to certain languages other than the dominant, national language. I will draw on my own work, and then move to implications for bilingual education in Japan, given its move to incorporate English teaching at the 5thand 6thgrades, and other efforts to sustain the languages of older as well as newer immigrants who reside in Japan.
一般公開お問い合わせ先:人間系長 小川園子 hfs-prov#human.tsukuba.ac.jp (#を@に変えてください)